Pre-4 February Newsletter

Hello Pre-4 Families!

Every month we will post a newsletter with pictures and anecdotes about happenings in our classroom. We will also include important reminders and notes about events, family/community involvement opportunities, and field trips! Thank you for taking the time to read about your child’s learning environment.

The children have been interested in washing and taking care of babies. In this picture, our intern Itsel gave them markers to mark the babies with, and then they were able to clean and bandage the babies.

New Friends

January and February have been busy months for us! We’ve welcomed two new friends, Nola and Sophie, to our classroom, and Clara joined our classroom again after traveling for a couple months. We also welcomed four interns to our classroom: Paola and Timia in the morning, and Itsel and Laneah in the afternoon. We’re excited to support them during their semester of student teaching!


We’ve been able to experience some snow and some fun indoor activities on cold days. In the photo gallery, you can see friends creating structures, art projects, and snow angels. We also have children exploring various areas of our classroom, such as blocks, manipulatives, art, and dramatic play. Part of the intern’s lead teaching experience is to rotate materials in the classroom based on the children’s interests and needs, so the classroom is consistently being changed to engage and challenge our class.

Brantley and other children in our classroom are very interested in car washes, so one of our interns, Laneah, created an interactive car wash involving shaving cream, baking soda, vinegar, and sponges for washing the cars. The whole class joined and took turns washing, rinsing, and drying the cars.


In the coming months, each intern will plan and execute a community involvement event. Be on the lookout for flyers or emails about when these events will be happening! Week of the Young Child 2020 is April 13-17, during which there will be multiple events and theme days in which to participate as well. If you ever have questions about our classroom, program, or events, please ask Miranda, Melissa, Adriana, or Kristi.

We love our class and look forward to supporting your family and your child’s development!

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