
Hello Infant 2 Families!

This month the children have transitioned back into our classroom routine.  We have been helping the children navigate our room with their new skills of sitting, crawling, pulling up to a standing position and walking by providing a safe environment to explore.

The children have been working on fine motor skills with activities and material in the classroom.  Some of these activities include:  pulling socks out of a whisk, they scoop up golf balls and put them into a cupcake tin, sliding cards into a container, ribbon pulls and shape sorters. These activities also develop eye-hand coordination and help with attention span development.  

Sensory play has been offered in various ways including the water table, foam play and finger painting.  We have encouraged the children to participate in painting activities which include ball paint,  brush painting, feet painting and dot painting, however they all end up being finger paint.

Fostering independence has been a focus for our classroom as we encourage the children to help with hand washing, drying and throwing away paper towels and using sign language to communicate more or all done.  They are assisted in putting dishes in the bucket and coming to us when they are upset. 

Social skills continue to be developed  as the children engage with each other and the teachers. We are observing the children trying to enter small groups to play with each other. Furthermore, we are seeing them interact in big and small ways such as sharing toys, standing next to each other, catching the attention of others,  making eye contact and smiling.

As the children are approaching their first birthday, they are beginning to  transition more to the toddler schedule. This includes sitting at the table during all meal times, using cups with lids  and going down to one nap which usually is in the afternoon.

Reminders and upcoming events for the semester include:

  •  Extra Clothing- we need to have 2 or 3 outfits for your child, if your child has a change of clothes please replace the clothing.
  • Outside clothing, as the children become more mobile they will need waterproof snow pants, boots/footwear hats and gloves.
  • Spring break is March 9-13th
  • Week of the Young Child is April 13th-17th.
  • Family night is on April 15th.
  • Wednesday, April 15th will be conference day for both Kat and Pam. We look forward to meeting with you.

This first year of life is filled with rapid changes and so much growth.  We are excited to be a part of your child’s first year!  Remember there are many resources available for you including Zero to On this website, you can find articles on all topics including  what to expect, how to help with your child’s sleep and eating patterns, and behavior changes.



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