Infant 1, Week 6!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all staying safe and enjoying some family time. As we are almost at the end of the semester, I want to wish all of our student families good luck on upcoming finals! YOU GOT THIS! To our families who are educators, the semester is almost over, just hang in there  Here are some activities for you to do with our friends! I bet they are getting so big; I cannot wait to see them!

Water Play:

The first activity I would like to provide is a fun activity that can be done outside, on tile floor with a towel, or in the bathtub. Please note: when playing with water, please do not walk away from the child.

This activity is so simple, but it creates a lot of opportunities for your children to learn. When setting up for this activity, gather some things up from around the house. Some ideas for things to look for are:

  • Cups (plastic)
  • Measuring cups
  • Cooking spoons
  • Whisk
  • Small buckets
  • Small balls

These materials can create meaningful conversations with children. Using the cups or buckets you can talk about pouring and show your children how it works. You can use words like “fill up”, “dump out” and “pour out” to explain to your child what you are doing.

The cooking spoons and whisk can be used to “mix” up the water. Adding a little soap to the water can create an emergent experience. An emergent experience is basically an activity that is expanding on knowledge on something that the child has already been exposed to. The children in the classroom have been exposed to bubbles before, so adding the soap and mixing up/whisking up the water will help form those bubbles. Asking questions like “what happens when we mix the water and soap?” or “what do you see when we mix this up?” can help your child’s language development.

Brown Bear:

The second activity I have for you is a video I created of myself reading “Brown Bear” by Eric Carle and Bill Martin Jr. I hope my friends enjoy hearing me read this book.

This activity will can create and opportunity for you to talk about the different colors of the animals and the sounds each animal makes in the book.

Hope you enjoy these activities. If you have any questions or would like specific activities, please feel free to reach out to me and I can help. Miss you all.


Infant 1 Team

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