Infant One Week 7

Hello Infant One families. This is not the “good-bye” or “see you later,” I had in mind as I sit back and reflect on the semester. The Infant One staff just imagine all the new and exciting things our infants have been doing since we’ve last seen them. We wonder about all the infant milestones they have accomplished during this time.

During my time at home, I have had the opportunity to engage in various professional development webinars and trainings which has been nice. It has given me time to learn, grow and reflect in my role as an early childhood educator. One recurring theme in some of the infant/toddler trainings in the importance of everyday interactions for a child’s development. Such a simple concept but it’s often lost unfortunately. “Little things” like- your good morning hugs, your conversations at meal times, your smiles and laughter after you sing their favorite song, your bedtime routine that includes a bath and a story is what really makes up that “big thing” which is a healthy lifelong relationship with your child. I have included a short article from the Zero to Three Organization which includes some simple tips on playing with infants and toddlers.

Have you had the opportunity to make any homemade toys? I have included a link to making a DIY tugging box. The article goes in detail about how to make the box and talks about all the benefits something as simple as this will provide. Tugging the ribbons will strengthen fine motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination. Using ribbons of different colors and textures will provide a sensory experience for your child. Cognitive skills such as “cause and effect” and investigation will also be put to the test as infants try to figure out what happens to the other side of the ribbon when it’s pulled. Who would’ve thought all of this could be happening while an infant simply pulls ribbons from a box or tube?

*Make sure ribbons are less than 12 inches long as anything longer than that is a strangulation hazard*

None of us have definite answers as to what the future holds but we do know that we are ready to get back to building relationships with the NIU CDFC families no matter what that looks like. We are taking it one day at a time and we will continue to touch base with everyone. Please feel free to reach out to any of us for anything. We would love to know what the Infant One families have been up to.

Until Next Time,

Nadine and the Infant One Staff!

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